Modern web development is mostly about speed and scale, So, where does Node + Express stand?
Before learning Node + Express, I wanted to be sure that I was learning the right thing. I researched a bit about it and found out that there are many better options than Node + Express. It eats a lot of memory and CPU power. It is based on Javascript, which is a single threaded language and that affects Node's concurrency even if V8 Engine is real magic. For example, I found a comparison between Node and Golang on appventurez
Sorry MERN fanbois, I don't want to be 'MEAN' to you but that's the truth. Wait... that's not the end of the world, a lot of companies prefer Node because of it's simplicity and abundance of Node developers.
And guess what? I just finished my Node+Express lessons and it's time to practice the ()=>hell out of it. But before, I wanna look at MongoDB.
Check marks:
- CSS3
- Materialize CSS
- Git and Github
- React
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Webpack
Next steps:
- MongoDB
- Practice all the above
- Typescript
- Testing
- Maybe DS & Algo (๐)