You go to a supermarket and you see things which you want buy. You buy some pens, razors, pants, rabbits and then you see many cooler things which you are itching to buy, but alas! you're out of money.
I felt the same while learning web-development on my own and some of you might have the same experience. Once I learned the basics of Html and CSS, learning basic JavaScript was the goal. Achieved that and stumbled upon React. React+Hooks is a non-classic poetry and I fell in love with it. I built my first portfolio using all of this knowledge where people could also post reviews.
I surfed internet and saw people talking about Typescript, Testing, cleaner code, Blogs, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Elixir, Python, Java, Go, AWS, Azure, back-end, front-end and end of a crazy dream where I learned it all. But I have been in this situation before(Pre-Engineering days) and it was easy to get out of it. It was the time to decide my path and I decided to pursue Full Stack as it perfectly suits my curious brain where I want to know inside-out of web-development.
Path Foward:
Currently I'm learning NodeJS+ ExpressJS in order to have a clue about what's up with all this server talks. Next step would be MongoDB as it will give me insights about databases. The road is not that smooth, I still struggle with JavaScript(who doesn't🤭) but it is fun to visit W3Schools and stackoverflow.